Easy Audio ยป APE tags

easy-audio also has support for APEv2 tags. You can read a tag by ape:read-tag passing a bitreader to it. It will return a list of tag items in this format:
((KEY-1 VALUE-1 :UTF-8 utf-8-p :r/w r/w-p)
 (KEY-2 VALUE-2 :UTF-8 utf-8-p :r/w r/w-p))
:utf-8-p is t when value is a text, not a binary, r/w-p is t when readonly flag is not set on that item.


Read APEv2 tag from reader
Helper function to read APEv2 tag from end of reader's stream. Changes reader's position. Needs APEv2 tag to contain a footer.
General APE error
    APEv2 tag error
      External format used in human-readable APEv2 items